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I don't have a ton of time.Time is Relative... 1. We're open 7 Days a week 2. Even 30 mins towards a project is success towards a goal. 3. You'll find more time with friends. (We commit and follow through more with group projects than we do when we try and go it alone) 4. and finally, real talk: How much time did you spend on social media this week?
It feels like a lot of $Yes. It probably does. We've been where you are! Making sure we're spending wisely to get ourselves as far a s possible but let us share with you... ONE month with us is, on average, already a 50% cheaper option than one photo studio rental date elsewhere (and thats typically ONLY 4-6hrs)! But with us you get studio time anytime you need during the month... Don't forget we can provide you with all the gear you need for multiple different types of creative fields too! You dont have to own anything- you could walk in, create and walk out with a finished product for yourself / your business!
I'm not "Good Enough"STOP RIGHT THERE We'll let you in on a secret....... NO ONE IS. We're all learning, growing and improving everyday. Anyone who says differently is not supporting you with the truth. Embrace where you're at! Would you like to get better? It's ok, come grow here. It's a safe space and we hold community lessons to help those who'd like to learn new skills. You are welcome here regardless of skill level.
I would't need all the extra "STUFF" you offerEven though our "stuff" is pretty incredible, that's ok! If you are a singular creative honing a particular skill - our staff can help you sign up with a plan that fits your needs. Don't let the little stuff stop you from being awesome today.
I'm not really that social...That's cool. Somedays we aren't either- We're almost 100% sure that's why headphones were invented. -->It's the ultimate social unavailability notice.
I HAVE a gym membership... its dusty.SAME! but here's a couple key differences from that dusty, unused gym membership... We took out those stupid machines that make you sweat, and added FUN stuff.... and EVEN IF, you only came in once a month for a Photoshoot/ Recording session, you still save HUNDREDS rather than trying to rent | reserve | produce something on your own. This doesn't even touch on the benefit of meeting other creatives and collaboration opportunities!
I'm a small Business Owner - Too busyYou need this more than anyone! Aside from saving huge amounts of money (instead of hiring the work out to others....) You can take control of your small business needs, learn independence and create relationships with other small business members! Besides you're never too busy to do something awesome for your business right?
Can my Membership have two+ people?Absolutely! It's a NEW feature we are offering. Member add ons are now available for all levels of memberships! Co-Working Add on $20/mo The Creator Add on $30/mo The Entrepreneur Add on $40/mo *prices subject to change over time... Life am I right?
I don't have a ton of time.Time is Relative... 1. We're open 7 Days a week 2. Even 30 mins towards a project is success towards a goal. 3. You'll find more time with friends. (We commit and follow through more with group projects than we do when we try and go it alone) 4. and finally, real talk: How much time did you spend on social media this week?
It feels like a lot of $Yes. It probably does. We've been where you are! Making sure we're spending wisely to get ourselves as far a s possible but let us share with you... ONE month with us is, on average, already a 50% cheaper option than one photo studio rental date elsewhere (and thats typically ONLY 4-6hrs)! But with us you get studio time anytime you need during the month... Don't forget we can provide you with all the gear you need for multiple different types of creative fields too! You dont have to own anything- you could walk in, create and walk out with a finished product for yourself / your business!
I'm not "Good Enough"STOP RIGHT THERE We'll let you in on a secret....... NO ONE IS. We're all learning, growing and improving everyday. Anyone who says differently is not supporting you with the truth. Embrace where you're at! Would you like to get better? It's ok, come grow here. It's a safe space and we hold community lessons to help those who'd like to learn new skills. You are welcome here regardless of skill level.
I would't need all the extra "STUFF" you offerEven though our "stuff" is pretty incredible, that's ok! If you are a singular creative honing a particular skill - our staff can help you sign up with a plan that fits your needs. Don't let the little stuff stop you from being awesome today.
I'm not really that social...That's cool. Somedays we aren't either- We're almost 100% sure that's why headphones were invented. -->It's the ultimate social unavailability notice.
I HAVE a gym membership... its dusty.SAME! but here's a couple key differences from that dusty, unused gym membership... We took out those stupid machines that make you sweat, and added FUN stuff.... and EVEN IF, you only came in once a month for a Photoshoot/ Recording session, you still save HUNDREDS rather than trying to rent | reserve | produce something on your own. This doesn't even touch on the benefit of meeting other creatives and collaboration opportunities!
I'm a small Business Owner - Too busyYou need this more than anyone! Aside from saving huge amounts of money (instead of hiring the work out to others....) You can take control of your small business needs, learn independence and create relationships with other small business members! Besides you're never too busy to do something awesome for your business right?
Can my Membership have two+ people?Absolutely! It's a NEW feature we are offering. Member add ons are now available for all levels of memberships! Co-Working Add on $20/mo The Creator Add on $30/mo The Entrepreneur Add on $40/mo *prices subject to change over time... Life am I right?
Actual Questions
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