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studios & CLASS SPACE

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Available online

Studio B Rental

1 hr • $40

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Available online

Studio C Rental

1 hr • $40


We provide many things to make your booking more comfortable for you and your customers. 


Help us in this by,


Reviewing the space prior to setting up and let us know if there's anything out of place for you.


When you're done, please return any used equipment to where you got it or the Cage and ensure that the floors are free of any debris. 


We provide brooms and cleaning supplies in every room- ask a staff member for help if you cannot locate these items. 


As a shared space, we share the responsibility of keeping it tidy.

Thank you

** Starting September 1st, 2023 there will be a cleaning fee of $40 charged if studios are not left in good and reasonable condition. 

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